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#adulting: a millennial opera

"It’s unexpected. And it’s fucking hilarious." 

- Chase D. Anderson, NW Theatre

music by John Brooks

words by Natalie Stewart Elder

additional music & lyrics by Austin Nuckols & Stefan Melnyk

Imagine the Millennial version of Seinfeld. Now imagine it set to classical music. 

#adulting: a millennial opera is a series of operatic sketch comedies about a group of four 20-something kids trying to figure out how to be grown ups. Drew has to become more patient with his friends, Ruth needs to be less dependent on technology, Tony must master basic life skills, and Bucket... well, maybe Bucket has it all figured out. 

After Lowbrow Opera's successful run of #adulting in Seattle (and after the... you know), the company commissioned a sequel-- #adulting 2: here we go again. The roommates you know and hate are now 500% gayer, and embark on brand-new adventures, like lactose intolerance, assembling IKEA furniture, and navigating the DMV.


Luckily for all ye grubby hoes, the full production of #adulting 2 is available to watch on YouTube! 

Please direct all inquiries about #adulting to

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